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Be Still and Rest

Aug 10

2 min read




What does it look like to you to just be still? I had a friend ask me that question recently. According to Merriam-Webster, the word still as an adverb means to be without motion or to make something motionless or silent. While this is the correct definition, is this what God meant when he said, "Be still and know that I am God"? Did he mean to literally and physically be still and rest? Or was he talking about the spiritual and mental rest of being still? The answer is both.

Genesis 2:2 says, "On the seventh day, God completed His work of creation and rested from all His labor."(NLT) This emphasizes the significance of physical rest. God set an example by taking a day of rest. The Ten Commandments also highlight the importance of rest, instructing us to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Clearly, God intended for us to find a balance between work and rest in order to thrive and live our best lives.

In Psalm 37:7, it is written, "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes." This verse shows us the importance of resting our minds and exercising patience. These qualities are essential for our spiritual growth. When we patiently await and trust in the Lord, His work within us is most profound. In moments of rest and quiet, God renews our spirits and minds.

Considering that God desires us to be still physically and mentally, prioritizing this in our daily routine is essential. Doing so allows God to work in our lives and relieves us of the burden of trying to figure everything out, enabling us to be still and rest. However, rest does not equate to inactivity. The Hebrew word for "rest" means "to cease from your activity." It involves taking a break from our usual tasks to seek physical and spiritual rejuvenation.

I encourage you to meditate daily on what the Word of God says about "being still and resting." Doing so gives great insight into its importance in our lives and opens the door for God's complete will to be done. So today, "be still and rest" and allow God to do the work.

Aug 10

2 min read





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